Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hello, my name is Chelle...and I am a Glass Junkie

Hello, my name is Chelle...and I am a Glass Junkie...I admit my inability to shake this disease on my own...and I turn myself over to my Higher Power to get me through, and to stop me from stalking Dale Chihuly and like-minded artists...ahem...I mean...

I just found out that someone I went to college with (and his lovely wife who I have never met, but am sure is awesome) is a glass artist now! I am jonesing to buy some of their pretties, despite the fact that I know my financials will not allow it. Maybe for my 40th birthday in April...hmmm...yeeeeessss...perhaps then...

You should go see his website:
I have no qualms a'tall putting in a pitch for them...their glass is GORGEOUS!!!!
You should all go see for yourselves, though. It totally rocks.
Sorry I can't give you a peek, but I didn't tell him I was going to rave about him in my little blog, so...GO NOW!

UPDATE! Douglas and Renee Sigwarth generously allowed me to upload these pics, which I think are two of the finest pieces I have seen (and I am think it's very cool that these are the ones I would have picked too!) I admit it: I want to own these two myself. Admit it---you want them, too. You really want them. You should have them. You DESERVE THEM! Go forth and SHOOOOOPPPPPP!

------------>I ADORE THIS!
The watercolor series is SO PRETTY!

1 comment:

  1. If I could only afford some of that stuff. /thud
