I just have to share with y'all this story about my daughter's health teacher.
First, yesterday was her first day of health class, and she is in there with, as she puts it, "JUNIORS and sophomores, and girls who have already lost their virginity!", so she is a little uneasy, as she is none of those things.
I cannot for the life of me recall the teacher's NAME right now, but he is a HOOT!
1. He told them that he didn't really wanna teach Health, but he has to, which I think is a great admission.
2. He cusses (not AT anyone---he is like me and uses cuss the same way---as emphasis) and tells them not to cuss, which is so ME that it makes me laugh.
3. Words of wisdom that have come from his mouth already: I paraphrase:
"Girls! Boys WILL LIE to you! What they want is your vagina! I LOVE YOU means 'I want your vagina!' "
"And 'friends with benefits'? You are NOT in a relationship! What that means is he can do whatever he wants, and then call you up and say, 'I want your vagina! Bring your vagina over here now!' "
"Tomorrow is going to be X-rated. We are going to close the blinds and the door, and hope [principal's name] doesn't come around. We're gonna talk sex."
My daughter now has a favorite teacher...it is HIM.
And honestly...it sounds like her health teacher is just a male version of her mother...I can't wait for the next recounting of her day!
I MUST meet this man soon.
He sounds like a damn good teacher!!! I can't wait to hear more about him.