And here's a buffed Ricardo M. as Khan, just for your viewing (and perhaps giggling) pleasure:
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Star Trek DOES apply IRL!
And here's a buffed Ricardo M. as Khan, just for your viewing (and perhaps giggling) pleasure:
Friday, May 14, 2010
I am SO stressed out.
It is really hard to juggle finding a place to live when you are half a continent away (even with your friends looking for you, it's still a lot of pressure), finding a way to make income THERE when you haven't left HERE, actually douching out the house and selling off as much shit as possible in a short period of time, trying to get the kids to HELP, worrying about the money to move anyway!'s never ending and it keeps sneaking up on me.
Today I am feeling especially burdened, overwhelmed, and daunted.
I have to plot a course for the move that will leave us near a motel that accepts pets each day. I have to actually have a for-sure date so I can rent the damn U-Haul. I have to make arrangements to get my mom out here. I have to tell the landlord I am leaving!
I can't do all this shit between the weekday hours of 6pm-6am, after a full day of work! IT DOESN'T WORK! I have tried!
I'm drowning.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Exercise Kills, People!
Yesterday, I was that idiot. And it wasn't at all funny. (I know it wasn't, cuz I am still not laughing about it today. After almost 24 hours, it should already be funny if it's going to be.)
I went to my second session with my trainer at 24 Hour Fitness, and we had been doing stuff and interspersing treadmill in between. It was hard, but my cute little dyke trainer is very encouraging and we laugh a lot. So on our third trip to the treadmill, it was hard going. I am completely out of shape, and my lungs are always incapacitated anyway, so I was trying to comcentrate on breathing, and I closed my eyes for a second and completely lost my step rhythm...suddenly, BAM! I am off the back with my right leg, whacking my knees on the edge of the treadmill. Of course, your first instinct when you do this is to lean your weight on whichever leg is the steadiest. But my steady leg was STILL ON THE TREADMILL, which was still moving.
Aerodynamically, you cannot right yourself on a moving treadmill.
But I tried.
So I got to fall TWICE, and whack my knees TWICE.
To make it worse, the treadmills were all full, and the buffest guy in the gym was next to me. At least he didn't laugh at me. But then, he also did not see if I was okay. HUMPH!
My trainer just said, "WHOA! Just stay off! If it's going to happen, you can't stop it!" She swears this happens a lot, and that I wasn't the worst fall she has seen.
My first thoughts at the time were, "FAT GIRL FALLIN'!" (but in a funny way), and "Wow. She looks like a shitty trainer now, doesn't she?"
So, I recovered and finished my last 30 seconds and went on to weight training. Cuz I am tenacious and play-it-off like that unless I am GRAVELY injured.
So we went on to weight training. And THEN...(I know! How could I survive MORE?!) I ended up light headed and had to sit down on the floor.
Why? Because I seem to be unable to both BREATHE and COUNT at the same time.
So I was counting bicep pulls...and not breathing enough.
SO I kept going after I sat on the floor for two minutes. Cuz I am an idiot who refuses to be tamed.
It was okay by the end, but even my trainer had to say, "Good thing you weren't chewing gum, too."
By the time I got home, both my knees were HUGE. And I even had a huge lump like a mini extra knee cap, or a radio tuning dial, on top of my right kneecap. And scraped up, bloody knees like a small child with no motor control, running on cement.
I spent all last night icing them, and was in bed at 8, icing them again, loaded on ibuprofen, and exhausted and in pain. And since I was exhausted and in pain, I couldn't sleep, of course. I am too old for this get-in-shape shit.
Today I am hobbling like a hundred-year-old cripply woman, and my entire body hurts. Exercise kills, man. Don't do it.
(But yes, I am going again next week.)
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

- Advance copy of this lovely novel, Dawn of the Dreadfuls
- Audio books of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters
- An online password redeemable for sample audio chapters of Dawn of the Dreadfuls
- An AWESOME Dawn of the Dreadfuls poster
- A Pride and Prejudice and Zombies journal
- A box set of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies postcards!
Here's the link to Dawn of the Dreadfuls: GO NOW!
Monday, February 22, 2010
Endless Circling, Like Vultures...

I work full time. I mom full time. I am in debt full time.

Thursday, February 11, 2010
I Wanna Be a Derby Girl!
3. Let's say the E word, people: EMPOWERMENT.
4. Battle cries. I still adore "HIGH OCTANE PUSSY!" myself, but since I have only just begun to watch Rollergirls, Season 1, a new fave may be in the offing.
5. Costumes, glam, safety gear with stickers. (At least if you watch it on TV!)
6. In my town, the posters are fucking HOT.
7. And lastly...sometimes even the nicest girls feel the need to push someone over with force.
Santa Cruz has it's own team, which makes me no end of giddy: the Santa Cruz Derby Girls! They are an Apprentice team in the Women's Flat Track Derby Association.
This is where you can find them:
You will notice, should you go take a gander, that we have THREE teams in this little town, whose members generally, it seems, skate for more than one team each: the Boardwalk Bombshells, the Harbor Hellcats, and the Beach Flat Betties (that'd be MY 'hood!), although this year's lineup on the website doesn't have the Betties shown, so...who knows what is happening there.
And why does little Santa Cruz have three teams? Because little Santa Cruz is COOL AS HELL! Yep, we are. We cannot help it. It's in the water, or the air...or something.
I am actually acquainted with one of the ladies, and I always DID think she was the coolest chick ever, so to see her skating is no surprise.
I have not been out to see our teams in real-live action, but their season starts in March, and I plan on catching them then...gods, I hope they sell T-shirts, because if there is one thing I am good for, it is wearing fan clothing and spreading the word!
I always knew roller derby existed, but never knew details, or anyone who skated, or how it worked. You, too, can be in the know: There ARE actually rules, and a point to the game, and it ain't like that 70s flick Rollerball, either. (Whew! Thank the gods for THAT!)
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Like a bad penny...
And here I am.
Rather than ennumerate the massive happenings of 2009, I shall do a few sentences to fill you all in, and then FORWARD HO!
*Thank the gods it is over.
*My back is better.
*Genevieve got a Corgihuahua named Yoda. He's a spaz, but loving and too cute to hate.
*Allie is back living with us, not as a foster, just as a 17-year-old human.
*My auntie had a tumor in her breast. I heard right after Christmas. Surgery was Monday.
*We are moving back to Iowa this summer. I cannot afford Santa Cruz anymore. Actually, I never could, really. Time to give in and get a better standard of living.
*I met some HippyMoms. I love them. Forever.
*Haven't dated in a year. Cannot decide if I miss it.
*Small identity crisis happened. Or rather, not small, but short-lived. I think I am over the panicky part of it.
*Genevieve is sixteen. I am old.
That's 2009 in a nutshell!
Welcome to 2010: the Year I Change My Life.
I do not make resolutions. I find that making resolutions puts too much pressure on us, and sets us up to feel like crap when we "fail". And life gives us enough of those moments without setting ourselves up.
So, here are my intentions, not resolutions:
*Drink more water. LOTS more.
*Cut down on the sugar. This will be VERY difficult, as I am a junkie.
*Get a pap/pelvic/mammogram. Even IF the co-pay is really tough to come up with.
*Sell off a lot of stuff in preparation for moving.
*Move this summer, back home to Iowa, with four pets, two teenage daughters, me, and my car.
*Find a job or two in Iowa THAT I ENJOY.
*Find a way not to work full time.
*Eat better. Eat less. Eat when hungry.
*Move more.
*Don't run out of toilet paper.
*Make art.
*Clean out my Yahoo mailbox. I have, mail... in there from last August.
*Save some money.
*Plan a trip to see some Hippies again.
*Live somewhere with less linoleum, and room for everyone.
*Make stuff. Sell it on
*Get all the animals to the vet for check-ups.
*Make more time for ME. Just me.
*Stop sacrificing My True Self so completely for Mom Me.
*Find joy.
*Laugh everyday.
That's all I can think of right now.
It doesn't look too unmanageable for a year...
See you soon!